Doughnuts, along with other foods dripping in saturated fat, are some foods that you should limit and even try to avoid. This is because saturated fat along with trans fat lowers your body's good cholesterol (HDL) and raises LDL (bad) cholesterol which cakes your arteries and eventually blocks the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain and heart (this can lead to heart attacks & heart disease). Trans fat is usually found in packaged food, fast food, and frozen food.
Vegetarians choose to avoid meat because of many reasons, including simply not liking the taste of meat or feeling as though it's wrong to eat animals.
Examples of Trans Fat/Saturated fat- Rich Foods:
- cakes - on top of having tons of trans fat, cake (and cupcakes, cookies, candy bars, etc.) are extremely sugary which causes anxiety, lack of concentration, tooth decay, obesity, heart disease, cholesterol, etc.
- french fries - besides trans fats, french fries also has a ton of sodium which leads to muscle cramps, dizziness, and eventually failure of organs, causing death
- onion rings
- coconut milk - saturated fat
- cheese - saturated fat
- butter - saturated fat
- ice cream - saturated fat
- doughnuts - saturated fat
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